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The Carl N. Shuster Jr. Ph.D. Collection

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Laughlin, R. B., Jr. and J. M. Neff. 1977. Fate and effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems and organisms. Proceedings of a Symposium - Nov. 10-12, 1976, Olympic Hotel, Seattle, Washington.

Laughlin, R. B. and J. M. Neff. "Interactive effects of temperature, salinity shock and chronic exposure to No. 2 fuel oil on survival, development rate and respiration of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus." In Fate and effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine organisms and ecosystems, edited by D. A. Wolff. Oxford: Pergammon Press, 1977.

Levi-Setti, R., P. A. Park, and R. Winston. "The corneal cones of Limulus as optimized light collectors." Nature 253, no. 5487 (1975): 115–116.

Lippson, Alice Jane and Robert. Life in the Chesapeake Bay (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984): 25–26.

Loveland, R. E. and M. L. Botton. "Size dimorphism and the mating system in horseshoe crabs, Limulus polypemus L." Animal Behaviour 44 (1992): 907–916.

Loveland, R. E., M. L. Botton, and C. N. Shuster. "Life history of the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus L.) in Delaware Bay and its importance as a commercial resource." In Proceedings of the horseshoe crab forum: Status of the resource, edited by J. Farrell and C. Martin, 15–22. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Sea Grant Publications, 1996.

Ludwig, Karen E. "Counting crabs." Beachcomber 14 June 1995 (Ocean City, Maryland).

Lutcavage, M. "The status of marine turtles in Chesapeake Bay and Virginia coastal waters." Master’s thesis, College of William and Mary, 1981.

Lutcavage, M. and J. A. Musick. "Aspects of the biology of sea turtles in Virginia." Copeia (1985): 449–456.