International Symposium on the
Science and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs – 2007


Depending on available funds, the Planning Committee will provide partial travel support to symposium registrants. Please note that all attendees are required to register. Travel support can be applied towards airfare, lodging, or meals. Preference will be given in order of priority to international (non-US) speakers, international poster presenters, international registrants who are not presenting, and domestic (US) speakers or poster presenters.

To apply for support, send an e-mail to specifying:
1) your affiliation, address, phone, fax, and email,
2) approximate cost of transportation (e.g., your airfare) and
3) the minimum amount of support you need to attend the symposium.
Please provide any additional detail that you feel may be useful in evaluating your request.

Because many attendees will be from outside the US, we anticipate a significant number of requests for travel support. We hope to fund all that need support to attend. So, please be as realistic as possible regarding the minimum funding that you request.

The application deadline will be March 16, 2007, and awards will be announced by the end of March. Applications received after March 16, 2007 will be considered if funds are available.